
From stockpile to EN450: Atritor and STET demonstrate simultaneous drying and sizing of harvested Fly Ash with carbon reduction

The demonstration featured the Atritor Dryer Pulveriser machine and STET separator to process fly ash in order to meet the EN450 regulations required for use in cement

At the end of June 2023 Atritor, a leading manufacturer of drying, milling, and deagglomeration solutions for 90 years, and ST Equipment and Technology, the leading technology in carbon separation from fly ash (coal combustion residuals) came together in Coventry to provide over 50 market leaders and key stakeholders in the concrete and minerals market a live demonstration of the solution to utilise harvested fly ash from the stockpile for use in the construction industry.

Why did we host the event? – because seeing is believing! Click on the play buttons to see a film of the event and on the images of key people in the industry who attended and shared their thoughts on the event, and the benefits of a proven solution for processing CDFA (Coal Derived Fly Ash).

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Herve Guicherd | Andrew Rigg

VP of International Sales  |  Sales Director
ST Separation Technologie  |  ATRITOR
Herve's Linkedin    |   Andrew's Linkedin

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Hisham Hafez & Anusha Basavaraj

PHD Students,
Leeds University
Hisham Linkedin    |   Anusha Linkedin

The 101 of the huge harvested coal derived fly ash (CDFA) opportunity

To find out more about this coal derived fly ash opportunity please read below:

What is Coal Derived Fly Ash (CDFA)?


Coal Derived Fly Ash (CDFA) is produced as a by-product of coal-burning power stations. With the closure of these generation sites due to environmental legislation fresh CDFA is very scarce in the UK and any CDFA required for cementitious applications needs to be imported.

How many tonnes of CDFA are available in the UK ?


The UK has over 100 million tonnes of CDFA available in single-use deposits such as lagoons and stockpiles. The UK Government has recognised the strategic importance of CDFA and the role it can play in a low carbon economy. The latest edition of the National Planning Policy Framework refers to the need to safeguard these stockpiles.

What is the cementitious use of CDFA in the UK?


Cementitious use of CDFA was around 150Kt in 2021, though demand would have been significantly greater if supplies had been available (source UKQAA).

What are the reserves of CDFA in Stockpiles in the UK?


The reserves of CDFA identified in stockpiles could meet over 30 years of demand.

What amount of CDFA is used in concrete?


CDFA can provide between 25% to 40% of the cementitious component of concrete depending on the application.

What are the applications for CDFA?


Cementitious applications include use as a Secondary cementitious Material for blending with Portland cement or as a direct addition to ready-mix cement and concrete products such as piles, concrete pipes, and concrete blocks.

Which products include CDFA?


CDFA is commonly used in the production of autoclaved aerated concrete blocks and grouts for fill and stablisation. Oher applications include: road sub base; bricks, ceramic tiles, plaster, hot mix asphalt; wallboard; fillers for plastics and rubber.

What are the benefits of using CDFA in concrete?


CDFA offers many benefits for use in concrete such as durability, low heat in mass pours, cohesiveness and pumpability.

Is there an environmental benefit to using CDFA?


Every tonne of processed stockpiled CDFA used in cement would result in a saving of some 760kg CO2 and 1.6 tonnes of raw materials in the form of limestone and shale.

Does CDFA meet global standards?


CDFA has to meet regulatory standards (EN450 in Europe) for inclusion in cement and concrete.

What’s included in the standard for CDFA?


The EN450 standard for CDFA includes, inter alia parameters for chemical composition, reactivity, particle size and carbon content.

Does CDFA from stockpiles and lagoons need to be processed?


Stockpiled CDFA needs to be processed to meet the EN450 standard. This involves drying, de-agglomeration and usually carbon removal.

Everything is in place to harness this huge CDFA asset for UK concrete and cement production.

Join us at AshTrans Conference 2023 in Rome, Italy 4 - 5th September 2023, where Scott Coley from Atritor and Lewis Baker from ST Equipment Technologies will deliver a joint report on these demonstration scale trials.

“From stockpiles to EN450 Atritor and STET demonstrate simultaneous drying and sizing of Fly Ash with carbon reduction.”

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